Monday, January 26, 2009

A Big Surprise!

Last Sunday I was surprised with a shower for Owen given by the Mommies of his "neighborhood friends". Judging by how I was dressed, you will see that I had NO idea what was going on! We were supposed to be going to my nephew's birthday party, but Ella woke with a little fever. Brian, who now didn't know how he was going to get me out of the house, was trying to convince me to take her to the party anyway. I thought he was NUTS!! Ella kept asking me to go in the basement to play. I was spending a lazy Sunday morning in my PJ's after getting home very late from a party the night before. Finally at about noon I told her that I needed to get dressed and then we'd go down--thank goodness I got out of my PJ's!!! In the meantime Brian and Jason were getting ready to go to the birthday party. Behind the scenes, Brian is calling Meaghan Grace's mommy and telling her that he doesn't know how he's going to get me out of the house! Now, Brian is in the kitchen waiting for J to come down when Brianna comes out of her room and asks if he can drive her to a friend who lives in the neighborhood so she can get a math sheet she left in school. Brian turns around and says "Can you drive her and then when you come back I'll leave?" I'm thinking "is he kidding me?????" and I say to him "you're leaving, why don't you just take her and then be on your way?" Not wanting to argue, I put on my shoes and leave to take B. I get outside to my car, which needs to be cleaned of snow, having a few choice words for my poor hubby who has now very cleverly gotten me out of the house. I look at Brianna and ask for clarification of what we are going to get and ask "doesn't she have a fax machine???". As we drive to B's friend I notice a bunch of people outside the house next to her friend's. I ask B "what are all those people doing outside that house?", as all sorts of possible answers to my question swirl through my head----NONE of which include that they are there for me!! As I get closer I see people waving and start to see familiar faces....and it all comes together! With my hair in a ponytail and barely any makeup on I got out of the car in shock.

It was a wonderful afternoon, filled with special touches, thoughtful gifts, and loving family and friends who were all there to help welcome a very long awaited little boy. He got so many wonderful gifts, but the one that touched me the most was from my mom. She filled a hamper with gifts--one for every holiday he has missed with his family since he was born. Included were all of his "little brother" presents. My mom has always given the other kids a gift on each other's birthdays! There was one for each one of B, J, and El's birthdays that he missed :) Needless to say, the whole room was crying while I explained the gifts! As for me, I could barely speak while explaining. Thank you mom! Thank you everyone! I wish Wen knew how much he is already loved and how much everyone is looking forward to finally meeting him.

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